University Blog

Who We Are

Posted by Rev. Ben Trammell on


Many of you know the story: University began as the movement of Woodlawn UMC from just west of downtown to the current location here at De Zavala and Vance Jackson. One of our current members remembers joining Woodlawn in 1929 as a first grader. Her testimony to the ministry of that church includes sharing how important the community was during World War II for those who sent sons, brothers and spouses to serve.

When I asked what led them to move the church to our current site she said, “We wanted the next generation to have what we had...God’s grace and people to share it with.”

That commitment to the generation to come still beats in the heart of University. You are invited to celebrate and invest in the rising generation, our Student Ministry, at the Evening of Glory, a dinner, live and silent auction, and variety show, where we contribute to the scholarship fund that allows us to tell students, "Money is never a reason NOT to go" to the retreat or on the mission. It allows us to continue to expand the sphere of folk we get to share God's grace with.

Additionally, seeing to the grace-filled inheritance of the next generation means understanding the world they inhabit. To that end, we are excited to host Walt Mueller from the Center for Parent Youth Understanding (, to teach on parenting kids and guiding them spiritually in this social media-dominated  world. 

This heartbeat for our kids and for our students is strong. It's an important part of who we were. It's an important part of who we are.


Pastor Ben


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