University Blog

More Art Than Science

Posted by Rev. Ben Trammell on


Ever heard the saying that something 'is more art than science'? I always thought it was an interesting turn of phrase. I came across a scientist recently writing about how much this phrase bothers him. I am overly simplifying his argument, but his basic objection was that it was a cop out. His view was that people where excusing their laziness and imprecision by hiding behind the defense of ‘it’s more art than science.' From his perspective people who employ this phrase should stop making excuses and instead commit to the research and techniques that science demands.

He may be right, but I can’t help but wonder how many artists he knows. Art that points to truth beyond words, be it painted, played or otherwise, is rarely the product of the lazy or the imprecise. When I watch Chris Keenan play the organ, I don’t think ‘well that’s pretty good but imagine if has trying hard and was more precise.' Nor have I looked at a Rembrandt or a Monet and thought, 'if only he had applied himself and practiced.'

The truth is art, in its truest and best forms, demands all that the artist can bring to bear. It is with that in mind that we start a new series here at University on the Art of Neighboring. Being a good neighbor is more art than science but that doesn’t mean we can’t be intentional and clear in our effort to live out Jesus' command that we love our neighbors as ourselves. I hope you can join us, and maybe bring a neighbor, as we dive into scripture calling us to the art of living faithfully in our neighborhoods.



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