University Blog

He Knows Your Name

Posted by Rev. Ben Trammell on

But God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Let everyone who calls on the name of the Lord turn away from wickedness.”

2 Timothy 2:19


There is a sign on the road that leads in and out of our neighborhood that reads, "HELP! Lost Cat! Please call Steve." There is a picture of a black and white cat with Steve’s phone number. I haven’t seen the cat, but I wish I had. I would like to call Steve and tell him I found his cat.

I don’t know Steve, but for the past week I have been rooting for him and keeping an eye out for a black and white cat that could be his. This morning, on the way to the kid’s school, we prayed for Steve and his cat.

I am not sure that if the sign was entirely the same but didn’t say ‘Steve’ I would be as affected or concerned for the cat or the individual who was missing it. There is something about knowing someone’s name that connects us more substantially to them.

The good news is that God knows your name. The scripture from the letter to Timothy says that the inscription on the foundation that God is building in the world declares that God knows His people. It goes on to say, those who call upon the name of the Lord ought to turn from other paths and follow the righteous one. It is the very heart of God to seek His people and call them by name. Many of us can testify to seasons of our lives when we were lost and how much different our lives are now that we rely upon God’s firm foundation.

I hope Steve finds his cat.

More importantly, God knows your name. And because He knows His people, we can live our lives with courage and conviction. I pray we rely more each day on the substantial and personal connection God offers to each of us in Jesus Christ.


Pastor Ben


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