University Blog

The Best Is yet to Come

Posted by Rev. Ben Trammell on

It is annual conference week, which means lay leaders and clergy from churches all over the Rio Texas Conference are gathered in Corpus Christi to worship, learn, and ‘conference’ together. Conferencing goes back to 1744 when John Wesley gathered other leaders of the Methodist Movement together to encourage each other and in his words “…to consider how we should proceed…” Heirs of Wesley’s renewal movement have been meeting in conferences ever since. We do so seeking to build each other up for the work we have been called to and to send each other out with renewed clarity and conviction of what that work demands.
Being here at Conference, I am reminded that we are approaching the year anniversary of my appointment as pastor of University. I am encouraged by hearing about what God is doing in other churches and it only makes me more excited about what God is doing in our midst at University. I believe our church has a special role to play in bringing good news to the city we have been sent to and I look forward living in to God’s future. 
It has been a good year but I believe the best is yet to come. 
Pastor Ben

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