University Blog

"That's Why We Built the Church"

Posted by Rev. Ben Trammell on


It is Vacation Bible School week.

The building has been filled to the brim with children, students, and adult volunteers. It has been large, loud, and filled with energy. It has been fantastic. There are churches that seldom hear the laughter of children blessing the walls by bouncing off of them. University has been filled with joy, learning, and God’s grace this week.

I visited a senior couple of our congregation this afternoon who are just short of 100 years of life and 76 of them married. They are one of the original Woodlawn families who planted this church decades ago. I told them it was VBS week.

They asked, “How many kids?” and I told them about 600 plus adults and youth, which took things to around 1000.

“That must be something…” they said.

“Oh, it is something alright,” I laughed.

“That’s why we built the church…that is what it’s for...” he said, and he smiled.

“God is good.”

Pastor Ben

Vacation Bible School Group Picture


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