University Blog

It's Hot!

Posted by Rev. Ben Trammell on

So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap
at harvest time, if we do not give up.
-Galatians 6:9


It is hot.

I mean…really hot.  This spring the weather was wonderful, and it held on longer than I dared hope, but as a result, there seemed to be no slow increase of temperature.  Instead, summer arrived boldly and swiftly.

It’s hot, but let us not grow weary of doing what is right.  The heat can be particularly hard on our senior population, so as good neighbors, let’s keep an eye out for any who might need some support.

For many, it is a season of jumping into cooling waters, of pushing A/Cs to the limit, and of searching for shade.  It is also a time when many people take off to visit family, friends or simply get away on vacation.  School is out, so families moving between school years are moving into (and out of) our neighborhoods.  This season offers us the opportunity to be hospitable to new neighbors and perhaps even invite them to check out our church.

We have an uptick of visitors throughout the summer in worship who are looking for a faith community to call their own.  Since many of our regular attenders are traveling in this season, will you join me in paying particular attention to new faces and families on the Sunday mornings and extending welcome and hospitality to all?

God promises a harvest if we but stay in the fields He has sent us to for we are not weary and not giving up.

Pastor Ben


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