University Blog

Cynical, Bitter, & Apathetic

Posted by Rev. Ben Trammell on

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God,
who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28


We are told in scripture that God made a good world but that humanity quickly made a mess of things. We wake each day as heirs of a good world in which much has gone wrong. Bad and terrible things happen in this world as promises get broken, people we love get sick, violence erupts and lies endure. It is easy to become cynical, bitter, and apathetic.

In the face of this, Paul writes that believers know something different. He writes that “all things work together for good.” He does not say that all things are good. Car wrecks, cancer, and hatred to name just a few are not good, and they are not from God. Rather, it is that nothing is beyond God’s creative power.

God can use anything and anyone including those of us who are tempted to give in to cynicism. The antidote is remembering that we have been called according to his purpose and invited to join the great adventure of God working all things to good.

Pastor Ben


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